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The principal topic of Till analysen af det empiriska själfmedvetandet is the empirical refutation of idealism. Hägerström performs this task by exposing the psychological and philosophical foundations of idealism. His assertion is that the concept of empirical self-consciousness as a concept is confused, on the one hand, for the world, and on the other, for the objective principle of knowledge. The remaining issues dealt with, apart from empirical psychology, ontology, and epistemology, are the fundamentals of the object-related sciences. Hägerström’s analysis of the fundamentals in relation to empirical sciences shows that by 1910 he had definitely disassociated himself from the subjectivism of his youth and Das Prinzip der Wissenschaft, in words as well as deeds. a ca l l f o r s c i e n t i f i c p u r i t y 227 3. 7 summary and conclus ions