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dity and material truth. Say, for instance, that a concept, proposition, or scientific judgment is formally inviolable. However, one cannot infer its material truth value on the basis of its formal validity. But, the truth of a judgment implies its formal validity, to be exact it is self-evidently the fact that a body falling at a certain speed falls at that specific speed.This leads us to the issue of law as an object for scientific study. Just because a jurisprudential concept of law is formally valid it neither means that a) this concept is a member of a specific country’s law, nor b) that we can infer that positive law is bound to incorporate such a concept into its system of law, all that is expressed is that a certain concept of law has a certain formal structure (which nevertheless can serve as an ideal to positive law, but that is a separate issue). (See parts V-VI). According to Marc-Wogau, Hägerström’s theories with respect to the concepts “relation” and “consciousness” were redefined inSelbstdarstellungen.216 InSelbstdarstellungen, Hägerström states that the relationship between two determinate (real) concepts (a) and (b) that make up another determinate (real) concept (ab) must be understood in such a manner that (a) and (b) have their reality determined independently of the reality of (ab). The example used is one where the concepts “equilateral” (a) and “triangular” (b) make up the constitutive parts of the concept (ab), and to which they later are also compared with and related to.As we can see both concept (a) and concept (b) have reality independently of their combination into the concept (ab). Accordingly, all that is needed to create a real (but not necessarily objectively existing) concept is real (non-contradictory) concepts combined into a non-contradictory, real, relationship.217 So in order to combine the real concepts (a) and (b) into another real concept, (ab), p a r t i 1 , c h a p t e r 3 102 3. 3. 6 . 1 Real Concepts and Unreal Concepts 216 Ibid., pp. 60-62; Hägerström, Selbstdarstellungen, p. 12. 217 Marc-Wogau, Studier till Axel Hägerströms filosofi, pp. 60-62; Hägerström, Selbstdarstellungen, p. 12.