Winroth made the same distinction, Nehrman drew a strict line between the hiring of things and the hiring of services: “All sorts of things can be hired and rent out: but about that I mean to deal in Chapter 13. Here in this section is to be found all sorts of handicrafts, works and peoples’ manual labour, which somebody has stipulated for his advantage, good or comfort.This is called Conductio operarum…”.84 The hiring of things belonged tolocatio conductio rerum85 and the hiring of services to locatio conductio operarumor locatio conductio operis.86 Contracts within these latter categories had in common “an agreement and association between two or more persons, that the one should do something for the benefit of the other, in exchange for the latter’s giving him a certain salary or compensation.”87 These contracts were subdivided, according to if the achievement of the working party was exactly specified or not. In the case of locatio conductio operis, the working party’s obligations were regarded as specialia and determinata, which meant that a certain kind of work was expressly stipulated, such as when a craftsman made something of another person’s material or a daylabourer worked for a farmer. For these contracts Nehrman referred to the Guild Statutes and to the rules in the Statute on Servants and Hired Labourers concerning daylabourers. The paying party had to pay, while the working party was obliged to produce the specified work agreed upon. c o n t i n u i t y a n d c o n t r ac t 51 84 “Allahanda ting kunna legas och hyras ut: men therom ärnar jag handla i 13 Capitel. Här i thenna Flucken förekomma allahanda slögder, arbeten och menniskiors handawärckan, whilka någon sig betingat til sin fördehl, nytta eller beqvämlighet.Thetta kallas Conductio operarum…”. Nehrman1729, p. 238 (§ 2). See also Nerhman1729, p. 331, § 1(translation): “When the owner lets some one else use his property in exchange for a certain fixed rent or economic compensation, the contract concerned is called locatio conductio rerum or lego…”. 85 Nehrman 1729, Chapter 13, On Hiring of Property (Om ägendomshyra och lego), p. 331 (§ 1). 86 Nehrman 1729, Chapter 5, On Hiring of Services (Om arbetslego), p. 241 (§ 9). 87 “… twå eller flere personers förening och öfwerenskommande, at then ena wil giöra något til then andras nytta, emot thet, at thenna bör therföre gifwa honom någon wiss löhn och wedergiällning therföre.” Nehrman 1729, p. 238 (V. Chapter § 2).