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c o n t i n u i t y a n d c o n t r ac t 381 29/29-principle 17-19, 21, 124-125, 173, 289, 291, 293, 313, 327328, 350, 351 Abraham and Isaac 354 Act on contracts (Sweden 1915) 198, 234, 249, 270 Act on voluntary mediation (Sweden 1906) 187, 189, 227, 319 actiones 41, 49, 76 AD1929:29 18-19, 124-125, 173174, 269, 289-293, 313, 321, 327, 356 AD1930:52 293 AD1932:100 137, 174, 290, 314 AD1933:159 291 AD1933:94 293 AD1934:179 137, 174, 292, 314 AD1934:51 293 AD1940:3 347 AD1944:45 290 AD1978:89 350 AD1990:59 350 AD1993:18 352 AD1994:79 344 AD1995:31 350 Age of Liberty 33, 49, 54 alieni 94 Alleinbestimmung 155 Amalthea 193, 297 apprentices 46, 47, 48, 49, 84 Arbeitsvertrag 156-157 artes liberales 40 Begriffsjurisprudenz 72 bona fides 69 bonne foi 141 Book of Building (Sw. Byggningabalken) 52 Book of Commerce (Sw. Handelsbalken) 35, 49, 53, 57-58, 86, 88, 96, 98, 100, 102, 104, 118, 329 Book on Crimes (Sw. Missgärningsbalken) 54 Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch (BGB) 69, 73, 80, 137, 148, 150, 151, 153, 154, 158, 159, 162, 163, 164, 167, 197, 198, 234 Catholicism84, 139 Central Arbitration Board (Sweden 1920) 250, 252, 267, 276, 285, 302, 319, 320 Central Association for Social Work (Sweden) 272-274 chastisement 42-43, 45, 47, 52, 53, 55, 83, 86-87, 91, 99, 133, 135, 255 civil rights 94, 95, 304, 330, 356357 Code civil (France 1804) 29, 35, 69, 74, 96, 98, 137, 141, 144, 197 Code du travail (France 1910-1927) 142 Index