number Take special notice that, note well nummer (number) page pages Preussische Gesindeordnung Proposition (Swedish Government Bill) Protokoll (Minutes, record) Regeringsrätten (The Swedish Supreme Administrative Court) Entscheidungen des Reichsgerichts in Zivilsachen (Official Digest of Decisions of the German Reichsgericht in private law) Skrivelse från riksdagen till regeringen (Petition from the parliament to the goverment) Sveriges akademikers centralorganisation (Central Organisation of Swedish University Graduates/Swedish Confederation of Professional Associations) Svenska arbetsgivareföreningen (The Swedish Employers’ Confederation) Socialdemokratiska arbetarepartiet (The Swedish Social Democratic Party) Svensk författningssamling (Official Publication of Swedish Statutes and Ordinances) Såramålsbalken (The Book on Assault and Battery) Statens offentliga utredningar (Official reports series of Swedish legislative and investigation commissions) Statsutskottet (Swedish Parliament standing committee on Appropriations) Swedish Svenska kommittébetänkanden (Official Swedish Committee Reports) Svensk juristtidning (Swedish Law Journal) Tjänstemännens centralorganisation (The Swedish Confederation of Professional Employees) Tidsskrift for Retsvitenskab (Scandinavian Law Journal) Uppsala universitetsbibliotek (Uppsala University Library) Volume Yngre kommittébetänkanden (Committee reports after 1901, National Archives) YngreVästgötalagen (Younger Provincial Code ofVästergötland) Äldre kommittébetänkanden (Committee reports 1683-1900, National Archives) a b b r e v i at i o n s 360 No n. b. Nr p. pp. Pr.Ges. Prop. Prot. RegR RGZ RSkr SACO SAF SAP SFS SM SOU SU Sw Sv. Kom. Bet. SvJT TCO TfR UUB Vol YK YvgL ÄK