c o n t i n u i t y a n d c o n t r ac t 359 edition or edited or editor Edsöresbalken (The Book on Crimes thatViolate the Peace of the Country) et alii/alia (and other people or other things) Första kammaren (First chamber of the Swedish Parliament, before 1971) Tillfälligt utskott i första kammaren (Swedish Parliament nonstanding committee of the first chamber, also used as abbreviation for report of FKTfU) följande sida (following page flera följande sidor (several following pages) Footnote French German Högsta Domstolen (The Swedish Supreme Court) Latin: inter alia (among other things) Latin: id est (that is) International Labour Organisation Jordabalken (The Book of Land Law) Kungliga Biblioteket (The Royal Library, Stockholm) or Konungens Befallningshavande (County Governor) Kommittebetänkande (Committee report) Latin: littera (letter) Lagutskottet (Swedish Parliament standing committee on Matters of Law, also used as abbreviation for report of LU) Landsorganisationen (The Swedish Confederation of Trade Unions) Motion i andra kammaren (Private MP’s bill or resolution in the second chamber) Missgärningsbalken (Book on Crimes) Medbestämmandelagen (Swedish Act on the Joint Regulation of Working Life/ The Co-determination Act) Magnus Erikssons Landslag (National Law for Rural Areas, Sweden circa 1350) Magnus Erikssons Stadslag (National Law for Urban Areas, Sweden circa 1350) Motion i första kammaren (Private MP’s bill or resolution in the first chamber) med flera (and others) Member of Parliament Nytt juridiskt arkiv, avdelning I (Supreme Court reports, Sweden) Nytt juridiskt arkiv, avdelning II, (collection of Swedish legislative preparatory works, travaux préparatoires) ed. EdB et. al. FK FKTfU f. ff. fn. Fr Ge HD i. a. i. e. ILO JB KB Kom. bet. litt. LU LO MAK MB MBL MELL MEStL MFK m. fl. MP NJA I NJA II