RB 64

c o n t i n u i t y a n d c o n t r ac t 358 Paragraph (Symbol for section, e g in an act or a contract) Paragraphs (Sections) Arbetsdomstolen (Swedish Labour Court) and Arbetsdomstolens domar (Decisions of the Swedish Labour Court) and Anno Domino (in theYear of Our Lord) Latin: ad hoc [negotium] (For a temporary purpose, taking place when necessary) For the moment, meanwhile Andra kammaren (Second chamber of the Swedish Parliament, before 1971) Tillfälligt utskott i andra kammaren (Swedish parliament non-standing committee of the second chamber, also, used as abbreviation for report of AKTfU) Allgemeines Landrecht für die Preussischen Staaten (Prussian Land Law, 1794) Gesetz zur Ordnung der nationalen Arbeit (Germany, 1934) Article Bundesarbeitsgericht (German Labour Court) Byggningabalken (The Book on Building) Betänkande (Report) Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch (German Civil Code, 1900) Bihang till riksdagens protokoll (Appendix to the Swedish Parliamentary Records) Chapter Centralförbundet för socialt arbete (The Central Union for Social Work) Centrala skiljenämnnden för vissa arbetstvister (The Central Arbitration Board) Dråpsbalken (The Book on Manslaughter) Departementsserien (Official report series of the Swedish government) Einführungsgestez, BGB (Promulgation Act, BGB) European Communities European Union § §§ AD ad. hoc. ad interim AK AKTfU ALR AOG Art. BAG BB Bet. BGB Bih. Ch. CSA CSN Dr Ds EBGB EC EU Abbreviations