focus on individual components.610 Nevertheless, the collectivist system, including the labour court and its lawmaking, seem to be firmly rooted in the Swedish labour law that developed after the end of the formative period. In 1932 the Social Democrats came into office for an almost unbroken period of 44years,which started the classical period of the Swedish model. Three years later a proposal for an act on service contracts covering bluecollar workers as well as salaried employees in the private sector was rejected, which strengthened the tendency to collective regulation.611 Accordingly, the governing party did not abolish but instead cleverly used the existing institutions for an alteration of Swedish politics. As Bo Rothstein has pointed out, the notion of society as “the people’s home” (folkhemmet) not only contained social political dimensions, but also contained a distinct idea about the relationship between the community at large and the different interest organisations.Thus, the Hegelian model of the state as a kind of enlarged family got one of its most important supporters in Swedish Social Democracy.This Swedish model has rested heavily upon a corporate system based on a high level of organisation - still today more than 80% of all employees are members of a union.612The Swedish labour market was thoroughly organised and the collective agreements emerged as the most important instruments for settling issues in working life. For a long time concentration and centralisation characterised the organisational developments at all levels.Alongside LO, two major, politically neutral organisations were set up, namely, the Swedish Confederation of Professional Employees (TCO), which organises white-collar workers from all areas of society and the somewhat smaller Central Organisation of Swedish University Gradp a r t v, c h a p t e r 1 2 346 610 Rothstein & Bergström1999; Johansson, J 2000. 611 SOU1935:18, Betänkande med förslag till lag om arbetsavtal; Schmidt, F1959, pp. 18-19. 612 Fahlbeck 2002, p. 109.