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Part IV has dealt with the formative period of modern Swedish labour law which lasted between 1885 and 1930.The study has focused on two issues.The first one concerns the debate on the content and the legal foundation of the modern contract of employment.The second issue concerns how this debate interacted with the emergence of a Swedish system of collective selfregulation. Did the worker’s duty of obedience play a minor role in legislative preparatory works, the parliamentary debate and the legal writing 1885-1930? Can the legal history in question be characterised as the last step in a switch from status to contract? This study shows that the issue about the worker’s duty of obedience and the employer’s right to direct and distribute work did not play a minor role during the period investigated. From the beginning of the period right up to the labour court’s decisions around1930, this topic appeared as a very controversial one, on the legislative level as well as in individual and collective relations on the labour market. c o n t i n u i t y a n d c o n t r ac t 295 10. 1 the de bate about the content and the legal foundat ion of employment? 10The formative years of Swedish labour law. Summary IV 10. 1.1 the duty of obedi ence - a minor top ic? part iv, chapter 10