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1946), who had succeeded Hjalmar Branting as chairman of the Social Democratic Party.566 Many of the opponents of the bill noted that history from 1910 and 1911 seemed to be repeating itself. Just as then, the proposals were criticised with sweeping formulations about it being a question of class laws pure and simple that were intended to paralyse the trade union movement.The legislation was considered to be unnecessary and the current questions could best be solved by voluntary collective agreements between the parties themselves. A main argument against legislation was still that it did not prohibit sympathy actions during the period of agreement, which was seen as favouring employers. Another argument was that the proposal was not rooted in the practical working life. Industrial peace could not be attained until one had got to the bottom of the big social issues, above all the social and economic injustices in society.567 In parliament, the Social Democratic representatives emphatically rejected the Liberal government’s bill at the same time as many speakers said that they were in principle in favour of the legal regulation of collective agreements. Sigfrid Hansson stated that he was not afraid to repeat what he had said before, namely, that he could very well imagine that a day might come when it would be found suitable and correct to codify the law that had developed on the labour market, so that rules in agreements were written out in legislation. But the time for that had not yet come, and moreover arbitration was applied voluntarily to a satisfactory extent. Backed by90members of parliament,Hansson moved that the proposed bill be rejected. 568 p a r t i v, c h a p t e r 9 278 566 Casparsson 1951, pp. 121ff. 567 Dissenting opinions in LU2 1928:36, pp. 38-45 (Linder,Thorberg, Sigfrid Hansson, Magnusson from Kalmar, Hagman, Johanson from Stockholm, Holmström from Stockholm); MFK 1928: 282 (Thorberg, Möller, Sandler,Wigforss, Olsson, Bärg); MAK1928:451 (Johanson from Stockholm, P A Hansson, Sävström, Engberg, Anders Anderson from Råstock,Viktor Larson, Rydén, Axel Lindqvist); FK1928:13, pp. 17-18 (Wigforss); FK1928:35, pp. 3-23 (Thorberg,Wigforss, Sigfrid Hansson); FK 1928:35, pp. 76-86 (Möller, Schlyter, Sandler, Strömberg). 568 AK1928:38, pp. 27-34.