c o n t i n u i t y a n d c o n t r ac t 273 parties.The CSA likewise referred to the special needs of labour law to use custom as an important source of law.The association wrote that guidance for the labour court to clarify what conditions could be referred back to a collective agreement could certainly be obtained from the general law of contracts. But, moreover, there were special needs for working life.There were still many misunderstandings between the parties, but through many years of negotiations and expanded practical experience, a more uniform legal understanding was starting to take form even in this area.This general legal understanding should now be transformed into positive legal rules, which called for special institutions and closer regulations on substantial law. A legislation which was well-adapted to its purpose would promote a correct administration of justice, which in turn would be educational and serve as guidance for the general way of thinking, so that it increasingly rejected the use of power to solve legal disputes.552 In the 1928 proposed bill and the parliamentary debate the ideas recurred that had been expressed by, among others, the three experts in1927, the opinions submitted by the Swedish Employers’ Confederation, and the Central Association for SocialWork. The minister of health and social affairs, Jakob Pettersson, in many contexts referred back to the ideas about the state having to intervene in order to get the parties to follow into collective agreements and not resort to industrial actions. In the 1928 bill, Pettersson stated that more effective means now were needed than the organisations’ own regulation in order to secure industrial peace.553 Pettersson has been characterised as a radical Liberal with a striving towards a strong social state, which was reflected in his parliamentary motions on the forcible internment of alcoholics and inheritance rights for children born out of wedlock. 552 Socialdepartementet. Konseljakt, 25 november 1927, nr 33 (The ministry of health and social affairs. Cabinet douments)Vol. II, 5B:10, pp. 4-7.The National Archives, Stockholm; Prop. 1928:39, pp. 35-37. 553 Prop. 1928:39, pp. 18, 45-49.