seemed to mean that the worker should not keep pay or employment if he or she was sick.484 The Swedish jurist who paid the most attention to the collective agreements was the Social Democratic politician Östen Undén (1886-1974). Among other things, he was professor of private law between 1917-37 at Uppsala University and, in his capacity as holder of several ministerial posts, he was regarded as a significant representative of the “Swedish model”. He analysed the collective agreement in several articles and books.485 As early as 1910, Undén dealt with the contents of the free service contract. Expressly referring to the German jurist, Sinzheimer,486 Undén wrote that modern industrial labour could be divided into two parts, first the individual relationship that existed between the employer and the individual worker and second the solidarity relationship that considered the employer in relation to the collective. The principle concerning the solidarity relationship was simple enough. Here the works manager reigned supreme. By virtue of his “master prerogatives” (Sw. driftsherrebefogenheter), the employer was entitled to solely stipulate working conditions in this field. The principle bound the worker, but not the employer, who could change conditions at any time while the contract was in force.According to Undén, this ensued “from the current, actual nature of the industrial labour contract, could be said to be naturale contractus pursuant to existing optional customary law”487. The boundary line for the employer’s power, however, was set p a r t i v, c h a p t e r 9 240 Undén 484 Hasselrot 1919, pp. 32-34; Hasselrot 1920, pp. 260 ff; Hasselrot 1926, p. 18. 485 Undén 1906, pp. 117 ff; Undén “Om arbetsreglementenas rättsliga natur”1910, pp. 430 ff; Undén “Arbetsstrider och aftalsbrott.Några anmärkningar”1910, pp. 153ff; Undén1912; Undén 1920. See several other references in Göransson 1988, p. 452. 486 See above about Germany. 487 “…af det industriella arbetsaftalets nuvarande, faktiska natur, kan sägas vara naturale contractus enligt gällande dispositiv sedvanerätt…”. Undén 1910, p. 439.