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c o n t i n u i t y a n d c o n t r ac t 229 DuringWorldWar I, a kind of “party truce” existed on the Swedish labour market. As in other European countries, considerable social unrest broke out at the end of the war, in particular starting in 1917.These kinds of collective manifestations of will also characterised Swedish labour relations. In the main part of the private labour market a system had emerged that can be characterised as collectivist,“extra-legal” self-help.The collective agreements were to be formally regarded as binding and thus should play a principal part as regulators. Nevertheless, they were obviously not effective as a means for promoting peace on the Swedish labour market. In the 1920s the level of conflicts was one of the highest in the world.465 Most voices from the employers’ side showed a positive approach to legislation about mandatory arbitration in “legal disputes” (Sw. rättstvister), which concerned the change or interpretation of an existing agreement. At the same time they rejected state intervention in “disputes of interest” (intressetvister) which concerned matters that were considered not to be agreed upon. 9 Integration of unions and a separate contract of employment 1915-30 9. 1 1915-1920 . trade unions acce pted as legal pe r sons 465 Sigeman 1984, pp. 879-881; Göransson 1988, pp. 201-202. Åmark 1986. part iv, chapter 9