c o n t i n u i t y a n d c o n t r ac t 217 tive agreements were preferable to legislation was supported by, among others, the local branch of theVäxjö Social Democratic Party, the Co-organisation of Eskiltuna’s Iron and Metal Workers, the local branch of Trelleborg’s Social Democratic Party, the Falu Confederation of Iron and Metal Workers, the Swedish Electricians’ Confederation and the Swedish ConstructionWorkers’ Confederation.448 The local branch of the Lysekil Social Democratic Party argued that the entire tendency of the legislation was to benefit the employers at the expense of the workers.The Swedish Timber Workers’ Confederation, the Swedish Workers’ Confederation and the Swedish RailwayWorkers’ Union section in Ängelholm and others pointed out that the employer’s right to direct and distribute work could appear to be incontestable. No worker would question the right if it were not for the fact that it was misused.What the legislator was trying to achieve now was to deadlock the situation before a collective agreement had been reached and confirm the employers’ far-reaching desires. The proposal went further in meeting the demands of the employers than they had been able to achieve through collective agreements. Not least in the case of piecework (Sw. ackordsprislista) was it necessary to implement regulative rules in collective agreements about the direction and distribution of work as well as when and how the work would be done.449 The overall pattern of the formal written opinions from the autumn of 1910 is clear.The bills from the same year satisfied the employers while the workers’ representatives rejected them.However, it is noteworthy that among employers, the argument was lacking that the section23 prerogatives were generally accepted, 448 Växjö arbetarekommun, Eskilstuna Järn- och metallarbetares samorganisation,Trelleborgs arbetarekommun, Falu järn- och metallarbetareförening, Svenska elektriska arbetareförbundet and Svenska Byggnadsarbetarförbundet. 449 Lysekils arbetarekommun, Svenska träarbetarförbundet, Svenska Arbetareförbundet andSvenska järnvägsmannaförbundets afdelning i Ängelholm.