p a r t i v, c h a p t e r 8 216 Uppsala Factory and Craft Confederation, the Administrative Committee of the Agricultural Society of the County of Södermanland, the Agricultural Society of the County of Östergötland, the Agricultural Society of the County of Malmöhus, the Board of the Farmers’ Confederation of Employers of Skåne, the Board of the Västmanland Farmers’ Confederation of Employers, the Borough Administrators of Söderhamn, and the Bailiff of the Northen Tax District of Jämtland.445 For some commentators, however, the employer’s right in question was so self-evident that it did not need to be supported by an act. The County Governor of Halland wrote that the legal regulation could be excluded since the employer’s right in question ought to be in “the nature of things” and constitute a given precondition for the origin of the contract.According to the Borough Administrators of Halmstad, the rights were “selfevident” and the country’s employers ought to be able to maintain them without any expressed support in an act.446 Despite these objections, however, a majority of the employers and public authorities supported the basic ideas stated in the bills of 1910.The trade unions, on the other hand, consistently rejected the proposals for legislation in general and the employers’ right to organise work in particular. The National Secretariat of the SwedishTrade Union Confederation held that the legislation penetrated the area of the collective agreement. The historical examples from the Statute on Hired Servants deterred from legislating on conditions for industrial workers since the legislation even in this instance would favour the interests of the employers.447 The position that collec445 Stockholms stads hantverksförening, L. H. Larsson (skofabrik, Uppsala), Uppsala Ångqvarn, Uppsala fabriks- och hantverksförening, Södermanlands läns hushållningssällskap, förvaltningsutskottet, Östergötlands läns hushållningssällskap, Malmöhus läns hushållningssällskap, Styrelsen för skånska lantmännens arbetsgifvareförening, Styrelsen för Västmanländska lantmännens arbetsgifvareförening, Magistraten i Söderhamn, Kronofogden i Jämtlands norra fögderi. 446 KB i Hallands län, Magistraten i Halmstad. 447 LO’s landssekretariat.