RB 64

c o n t i n u i t y a n d c o n t r ac t 215 were put forward. One of them was based on the idea of a fair distribution of risks, according to which, the employer’s right corresponded to the economic danger he accepted. Another argument was of a more metaphysical character, and was illustrated by reference to “an inalienable right grounded in the nature of business life”. According to the third category, the section 23 prerogatives were necessary for the public good, more closely defined as an efficient Swedish economy; something that benefited the entire society.All three arguments had been aired previously and would reappear in different compositions in the answers from the employer representatives and the public authorities. References to the fair distribution of risks were found in the formal written opinions of, among others, the Bailiff of Southern Hälsingland’s tax district and the Board of the Farmers’ Employers Confederation of Västmanland.442 A noticeably large number of answers referred to the natural and inalienable rights of the employer; for example, Sweden’s Master Tailors Association (“in the nature of things”), Estate owner R. H. Stjernswärd (the employer’s “natural right”), the Board of the Farmers’ Employers Confederation of Skåne (“the employer’s inalienable right”) and the Bailiff of Southern Hälsingland’s tax district (“self-evident”).443 Sweden’s Bakers’ Confederation supported the controversial section about the employer’s powers in the proposal for an act on collective agreements “as being more universally expressing this right which is universal by its nature”.444 The natural law argumentation often lay in the borderland to the utilitarian aspect concerning the public good, which was used by, among others, the City of Stockholm’s Confederation of Crafts, L.H. Larsson (shoe factory in Uppsala),Uppsala Steammill, 442 Kronofogden i Södra Hälsinglands fögderi and Styrelsen för Västmanländska lantmännens arbetsgifvareförening. 443 Sveriges skräddarmästares förening (“i sakens natur”),Godsägaren R H Stjernswärd:(arbetsgivarens “naturliga rätt”),Styrelsen för skånska lantmännens arbetsgifvareförening (“arbetsgivarens oförgripliga rätt”) and Kronofogden i Södra Hälsinglands fögderi (“självklar”). 444 Sveriges bageriidkares förening (“såsom mera universellt uttryckande denna till sin natur universella rätt”).