c o n t i n u i t y a n d c o n t r ac t 161 Kahn-Freund was right.These woolly notions about Treue, Fürsorge, Tatbestand and the labour contracts’ “deutsch-rechtliche” origin, in combination with a teleological method focusing on the purpose of law, appeared to be more than well suited to support the totalitarian ideology of the Nazi movement.Thus they became legal reality in a new German “positive” labour law. Shortly after the Machtübernahme in1933, theWeimar Republic’s system of collective self-regulation was replaced by a state-governed forced regulation. The labour market’s big organisations were dissolved and the trade union leaders imprisoned. Statutes on co-determination, collective agreements and arbitration were abolished.The German people was obliged to pledge itself to a personal relationship of Treue to its Fürher,Adolf Hitler and this bound every individual to him in a personal relationship.Within labour law, Fürsorgepflicht and Treuepflicht were brought forth as the fundamental duties that should permeate working life in general and the employment relationship in particular. The immediate connection of these duties with the guiding star of the Nazi labour organisation - the Führerprinzip - was laid down in the introductory sections of the Statute about ordering the national work of January 20th 1934: Once again, labour in return for remuneration was considered not as a private matter but a service for the common welfare, and thus a duty of honour.The employer was considered as the Führer 6. 3. 5 naz i labour law - Das Führerprinzip “§ 1. Im Betriebe arbeiten der Unternehmer als Führer des Betriebs, die Angestellten und Arbeiter als Gefolgschaft gemeinsam zur Förderung der Betriebszwecke und zum gemeinem Nutzen von Volk und Staat. § 2. (1) Der Führer des Betriebes entscheidet der Gefolgschaft gegenüber in allen betrieblichen Angelegenheiten, soweit sie durch Gesetz geregelt werden. (2) Er hat für das Wohl der Gefolgschaft zu sorgen. Diese hat ihm die in der Betriebsgemeinschaft begründete Treue zu halten.”329 329 Gesetz zur Ordnung der nationalen Arbeit (AOG), January 20, 1934.