RB 64

c o n t i n u i t y a n d c o n t r ac t 15 9. 8The labour court as the maker of a separate contract of employment 1929-1934 10 The formative years of Swedish labour law. Summary IV 10. 1The debate about the content and the legal foundation of employment? 10. 1. 1The duty of obedience - a minor topic? The legislative efforts 1901-1915 1915-1926 1926-28 Legal writing on labour relations 1885-1930 The labour court as lawmaker 1929-34 10. 1. 2 From status to contract? 10. 2 The interaction between the contract of employment and collectivism? 10. 2. 1A path of repression-toleration-recognition-integration? 10. 2. 2 Integration and subordination Continuity and contract 11 The emergence of a doctrine 11. 1 Confusing case law? 11. 2The ancient model 11. 3Transition, capitalism and a free contract of labour 11. 4 Industrialization and collectivism 11. 5 Juridification, integration and subordination 12 Survival, selection and modernity 12. 1 From Savigny to Lindhagen 12. 2 Subordination and the Swedish model 12. 3 Rational case law? Ab b r e v i at i on s Re f e r e nc e s I nde x I nde x o f p e r s on s 289 295 295 295 296 301 303 310 313 316 318 318 320 326 326 327 328 330 334 339 343 343 345 354 358 361 381 388 Part V An epilogue