p r e f ac e 10 Numerous people have lent me a helping hand in this work.The most crucial contribution has been made by Professor Tore Sigeman, who took a decisive part in specifying issues, pointing out sources of research and commenting on my manuscript. I also wish to thank all those who have attended the Advanced Seminar of Legal History at Uppsala University and delivered frank points of view on my ideas.Among them are Carl Gustaf Spangenberg, Kent Brorson, Mauritz Bäärnhielm, Marianne Dahlén, Patrick Engellau, Görel Granström, Håkan Göransson, Göran Inger, Kurt Junesjö, Kent Källström, Alvar Nelson, Rolf Nygren and BoWennström. Valuable comments have been given by Niklas Bruun (on whose initiative I first became interested in the overall topic of this book), Claes Peterson, Brian Bercusson, Steve Befort,Rolf Birk, Lars Björne, Laura and Ben Cooper, Kurt Eriksson, Göran Kåver, Nicole Maggi-Germain, Jonas Malmberg, Kjell Åke Modéer, Svante Nycander, Mia Rönnmar, Harry N Scheiber, Jan-Olof Sundell, Alain Supiot, Susan Thorpe and AlanWatson. A special tribute is due to Birgitta Köhler at the law library of Uppsala University for her untiring endeavours in hunting down material, which was difficult to obtain. Thanks are also due to Daniel Ogden for correcting the English errors I made in writing this book. I am grateful for the grants which I received from the Swedish Institute forWorking Life Research (RALF) and the Faculty of Law at Uppsala University. Finally, I would like to express my warm thanks to The Olin Foundation for Legal History founded by Gustav and Carin Olin, which not only made it possible for me to carry out a long period of research at the University of Minnesota, but which has also generously provided for the publishing of this book. Uppsala, October 2004 mat s k um l i e n