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219 With the father of the Criminal Code of 1889, Jaakko Forsman, the division of crime into objective and subjective side came to be even further developed in the Finnish criminal science. In Forsman’s theory, guilt was divided into dolus and culpa. According to the quantity of the guilt, these could be divided further, dolus into four and culpa into three categories. The connection between criminal law and criminal procedure is reflected clearly in the premodern Swedish legislation. The Law of 1734 does not, in general, include crimes whose elements could be proved by witnesses. I shall take as an example the homicide paragraphs of the law. Basically, the homicide paragraphs are divided into different kinds of manslaughter (which is further divided into several different kinds of manslaughter according to the victim), and murder. The latter is distinguished by the fact that the victimhas either been in a helpless situation (MS 12:2,“... sleeping, swimming, or bathing ... or the deed is done in ambush or out of self-interest (MS 12: \ ).‘^^ In both of these cases, it is evident that the imputability depended on externally observable circumstances. The situation altered significantly with modern criminal law. When the preparations for the Finnish Diet were begun by the Senate in 1859 - the Diet itself did not convene until in 1863 - the criminal lawreformbegan as well."^® A reform-minded subcommittee led by senator Johan Erik Bergbom (1796— 1869) was designated in 1862 to reform the criminal law."^^ The committee’s proposals pointed to a complete modernization of the Finnish criminal justice system. The system of sanctions was to be based on imprisonment; dignitary punishments, corporal punishments, and death sentences were to be abolished. Behind this, there was an idea of curing the criminal, not scientifically — the time of scientific healing was still a few decades away - but in the Christian spirit.50 Punishments were to be meted out on a scale with a minimumand a I objektivt hänseende fordras härvid en yttre handling, hvarmedelst strafflagen öfverträdes. Förutom ofvannämnda objektiva egenskaper erfordras ock vissa subjektiva villkor, för att en handling eller uraktlåtenhet skall kunna stämplas såsom brott; eller, annorlunda uttryckt, det i yttre hänsigt lagstridiga förfarandet måste äfven vara rättsvidrigt uti inre måtto, med afseende å den handlandes vilja.” '•5 For Forsman, dolus was divided into dolus determinatus and eventualis\ another, overlapping division was that into dolus praemeditatus and impetus. The categories of culpa were serious negligence, negligence, and carelessness. Forsman 1884 pp. 20-24. vare om then, som dräper öfvermaga mindre än tolf åhr, eller någön sofvande, simmande, badande, eller then i sådant tilstånd och ärende stadd är, att han sig ej värja kan. Slår eller sårar man honom; ligge i tveböte.” MS 12:1: “Dräper man, eller kvinna, annan försåteliga och i löndom; varde mördaren halshuggen, mannen steglad, och kvinnan i båle bränd.” Kivivuori 1969 p. 144. Professor K. G. Ehrström, Fligh Court Asessor Johan Daniel Dahl, Ffundred Court Judge Constantin Leopold, and University Secretary Adolf Grotenfelt were appointed members of the subcommittee. 50 Blomstedt 1964 pp. 457-458, 462-465. “*5 MS 12:1: “Samma lag