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VIII original manuscript. Needless to say, the remaining awkward expressions are my sole responsibility. Furthermore, I wish to thank Lea Purhonen and Anitta Vuorela for their technical help with the final manuscript. The largest part of this work was completed while I was a researcher of the Academy of Finland. I have also received financial support fromthe Finnish Cultural Foundation, the Väinö Tanner Foundation and the Honkasalo Foundation. The OlinFoundation for Legal History inSweden has kindly agreed to publish the work in its Rättshistoriskt bibliotek series. The greatest thanks of all goes to Kirsi Keravuori. Perhaps I would have ended up writing a dissertation even if I had not known her, but it would certainly have turned out to be very different. I dedicate this book to our little daughters Elina and Maaria. Helsinki, 24 September 1996 H.P.