366 lations have been used to describe the development and change within the svstern of regulations in chapter 4. In chapters 5 and 6, the source material originates fromthe activities of the administration itself - the bailiff and häradsskrivare (district clerk), landshövding (county governor), kollegier (the government departments) and Kungl. Majt (council of the realm) as well as häradsrätter (district courts). These two chapters are the core of the thesis, and treat partly the work of the local administration (especially tax collection) during normal years, partly the same administration when it was exposed to trials due to years of dearth and social unrest 1740-45 and 1771-75. The journeys of inspection made by the Attorney-General of the period have left us a rich bodv of source material which is used in chapter 7. The dissertation focuses on the administration of bailiwicks. The bailiff and district clerk both had the bailiwick as their assigned district and their duties were complementary. But the bailiff had an all-encompassing responsibilitv for the tax collection and received and distributed all orders from the countv governor. To assist him he had länsmän (local bailiffs) in each härad or tingslag (court district). On the parochial level, there were one or several fjärdingsrnän (petty constables) who could be given certain assignments. The county governor supervised the county administration, which was divided into a landskansli (county secretariat) and a landskontor (county office). The tu>o areas of investigation - Säter and Västernärke bailiwicks - differed in several ways. Västernärke included both a forest region with several iron works as well as a rich farming region. Taken as a whole, the region produced a surplus of grain. The proportion of noble land was high (approximately one third of the assessment units of land). The noble land included many manors. The bailiwick of Säter had a totally different character: even if there were rich farming areas, the bailiwick was dominated by forests and thus had a great need for supply of grain fromthe outside. The trade and manufacture was to a high degree dependent on the mining of copper in Falun which required charcoal, wood, timber and transports. The taxation system was coupled to the mining and most taxes were levied in kind. Land owned by freeholders dominated entirely and fewpersons of rank lived there. The results concerning the recruitment of bailiffs show that the local administration in Sweden during the period 1719-1809 was in transition between the estate-characterized administration and the rational bureaucracy. The process of bureacratization had started; it was beginning to fulfil some criteria, while others were not yet relevant. There were no formal demands of competence for the newly recruited bailiffs. The only requirement was that they were held responsible for the tax