Doctoral dissertation at Uppsala University 1987 Abstract Sundell, J.-O. 1987. Tysk påverkan på svensk civilrättsdoktrin 1870—1914. (German Influence on Swedish private Law jurisprudence.) Skrifter utgivna av Institutet för rättshistorisk forskning Grundat av Gustav och Carin Olin. Rättshistoriskt bibliotek. Bd 40, 382 pp. Stockholm. ISBN 91-85190-34-9 inb. Sweden belongs to the legal tradition of continental Europe. During the nineteenth centurv German jurisprudence became the most important one in Europe. The period 1870-1914 is characterized bv a strong general cultural influence from Germany on Sw’eden, not at least in regard to the legal area. German jurisprudence became of utmost importance during this period to the Swedish legal scholars. They got their theoretical models from Germany, thev went there for studies and they established personal and intellectual contacts there. There has been a general unprecise opinion about this sort of influence but sofar no systematic studv has been done to clarify what and how it really happened. German influence on Swedish private lawjurisprudence aims to fill this gap in our knowledge. The central part of this thesis consists of a study of the dissertations of eight important Swedish legal scholars and the initial forming of their legal minds. The purpose has been to elucidate how their legal thinking is reflected in their dissertations. These Swedish legal scholars have thereby been influenced bv legal views expressed in German jurisprudence and thev have taken over the dogmatic method of analyzing private law'. The dissertation is in Swedish with a summary m German. Jan-Olof Sundell, Department of History, Uppsala University, S:t Larsgatan 2, S-75220 Uppsala, Sweden and Faculty of law, Stockholm University, S-10691 Stockholm, Sweden. ISBN91-85190-34-9 ISSN 0081-6531 ©Jan-Olof Sundell and Institutet för rättshistorisk forskning Printed in Sweden Bloms Boktryckeri, Lund 1987 Den på seriens titelsida avbildade medaljen över Johan Stiernhöök är slagen av Svenska Akademien 1837. Den är graverad av C. M. Malmgren.