95 des aiisi^al). Der l?elriij» wiirde aufgedeckt; wenn jedoch Alan bei der iiäheren Unlersuchiing wirklich seine Behaupfung, dass er der iMgenliiiner sei, bälte erhärten können, \väre ihm das Pterd zweilellos zni^esproclien worden. Ans ein paar tol^'enden Fällen geht näinlieh liervor, dass der Fall Danes ./. William nf Tempsford enlnnd dies isl am wahrscheinlichslen — Aiisdruck eines Iriiher in der Praxis vertrelenen Slandpunktes war oder {)räjudizierend wnrde. So wnrde im Jahre P295 ein Fall vom gleichen Typ wie die vorii'en von dem (iericht behandelt. Stephen of Stanwick hatte, iim eine Fordernng von Hugh of Wylye einzutreiben, ein Pferd von ihmpfänden lassen.’*' »And the said Stephen appeared and the said Hugh refused to appear. Wherefore it was adjiid^'ed that the said Stephen, the plaintiff, shoidd keep his day on the followini' Monday and that meanwhile the said Hugh shoidd be better distrained. And on the said Monday a eertain monk of Lavendon appeared, bearing letters testimonial of the abbot of Lavendon, and offered lo prove, in what.soever way the court should award, that the said Hugh had neither art nor part in the said horse at the time, when the attachment was made or afterwards. And because it was testified that the said Hugh had withdrawn from the vill and did not care to return there again during the fair, the court was asked how Ihe said monk should withdraw from his demand. And it was awarded that the said monk should prove that the horse was his. And for greater security the steward took an incpiest »ex officio* be the following jurors, to wit, Geoffrey Long ... to impure the truth of the matter, as to wether the said horse belonged to Ihe said monk or to the said Hugh; and they say on their oath that the .said Hugh has no right in the said horse. Wherefore it is awarded that the said monk recover the said horse and that the said Hugh be attached to answer the said Stephen if he comes.* In diesem Falle wie in dem ersten der im vorliegenden Zusammenhang referierten bekam also der Eigenliimer das Pferd zuriick. weder (iro.ss I .S. 68. Das Protokoll gcbraiichte sowohl den ,\us(lruck »allachiare* als »di.slringerc* aks Hczeichiuing fiir Pländiing zur Erzwiiigiing des Erscheinens vor (iericht (. . . satlachiatus f'liit prel'atus Hugo per (|uendani eqiiin . . . (juod prefatus Hugo interim melius distringeretur«).