82 projected Russian collegesd^“ At the same time, Luberas drew up proposals for a Russian administrative reform and drafted instructions for the various colleges and chancelleries he felt should be established in Russia. Luberas informs us that he drafted “up to thirty different pieces, which in their important aspects have been set up according to the Swedish pattern, but which have not been copied directly from the foreign formulas, but rather have been modified according to practical experiences acquired through lengthy service. Luberas arrived in the Russian capital in November 1718, “all too late,” as Miliukov pointed out, “to be able to exercise any direct influence on the establishment of the colleges, administrative reform had been decided upon, and the organization of the colleges was already under way.^’® In addition, Luberas was old and sickly, which factors diminished his ability to influence the course of the reforms. Above and beyond the instructions mentioned earlier, at Peter’s behest Luberas drew up two long memoranda on the Swedish administration, entitled “Allerunterthänigste Relation iiber die vom König Carolo XI verenderte Hausshaltliche schwedische Regierungsform” and “Allerunterthanigste unmassgebliche Reflections uber die von König Carolo XI'’’° verbesserte Schwedische Reichs-Hauss-Haltung, wie weit dieselbe in ihr Czaarischen Mayt. Relchen und Ländern, zu appliclren oder zu verändern sein möchten,” the contents of which demonstrate how well their author was informed of the internal organizational structure and the external framework of jurisdiction of the Swedish colleges.However, it does not appear the Russians paid very much attention to Luberas’s memoranda and other contributions. The instructions and memoranda were, it is true, translated into Russian,'®^ but Luberas himself wrote in 1719 that “it is not known to me what has happened with all my work and how it has been received; no one has spoken to me even once about its substance.” For this reason, Miliukov wrote that “it seems as if Luberas did not ” 176 By that time, the principles of the ” ,177 For Luberas’s instructions, see D. Baburin, Ocherki po istorii Manufaktur-koUegii (Moskva, 1939), 52—53. *■* Miliukov (1905), 428. Ibid., 429. See p. 86. TsGADA, f. 248 delo 1078 11. 2—17v, 131—154v. Harald Hjärne described the contents of these two memoranda in an unpublished essay entitled “De svenska kollegiernas efterbildning i Ryssland under tsar Peters regering” (see especially pages 25—46); UUB, Harald Hjärnes samling. TsGADA, f. 16 delo 171. However, it is unclear when these translations were made. It is possible that they were not done until several years after Luberas’s death in 1722 (?). See Miliukov (1905), 437. 180