188 In the Russian administrative system, the central treasury or bursary what was in formal terms a more substantive connection with was given the shtats-kontor-kollegiia than was the case in the Swedish system. Indicative of this is the fact that both the duties and the staffing of the bursary were outlined in the instruktsiia for the shtats-kontor-kollegiia. The connection between this college and the bursary was made very clear in the personnel and cost calculations drawn up for the college in 1718, where the bursary was dealt with as an organ coupled with the shtats-kontorkollegiia. The Swedish bursary, or räntekammaren, was, in formal terms, a part of the kammarkollegium, as was the statskontoret. Its functional kinship with the latter became evident in 1720, when the statskontoret was given its own president and the räntekammaren appeared under the separate budget title for the statskontoret Furthermore, a memorandum addressed to the statskontoret in 1684 emphasized that college’s responsibility for seeing to it that the payments made by the räntekammaren were in accordance with the established budget. The tasks of the two central bursaries were the same in the Russian 216 218 and Swedish systems. They were to exert careful control to ensure that the funds to be paid in to them were actually paid in due order, and they were to make payments according to the assignations or payment orders issued to them by the shtats-kontor-kollegiia and statskontoret, respectively. The similarities between the two bursaries show up in the personnel serving them, as well. According to the Swedish personnel budget for 1715, the räntekammaren was manned by a räntmästare, or chief bursar, and by two scriveners {räntskrivare) and an office boy {räntkammardräng). The same number of employees was listed in the projected budget for the shtats-kontor-kollegiia in 1718; under the rubric rentereia are to be found a rentmeister, or chief bursar, a bookkeeper (hukhgalter), a scrivener (kamornyi pisad), and a porter {vakhmistr)-"^^ These positions were later confirmed by the instruktsiia issued to the shtats-kontor-kollegiia Regarding the staff of the college itself, the instruktsiia states that the members of the board {chleny) were to be a president and two budget commissioners (Swedish, statskommissarier; Russian, shtatskamisary). In TsGADA, f. 248 delo 42 1. 295. RA, Statskontoret arkiv. Huvudarkivet, Personalstat 1720; Gustaf Uttf.rström, “PM angående räntekammarens förhållande till statskontoret," unpublished memorandum in RA, Riksarkivets ämbetsarkiv. RA, Statskontorets arkiv, Statskontorets skrivelser till Kungl. Maj:t, February 9, 216 1684. -x' TsGADA, f. 248, delo 42, 1. 295. ZA (no. 424, section 20), 596.