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173 Interest in the Swedish instruktion, how- its) validity and explain, ever, must have been great, since it provided a detailed description of the distribution of tasks among the staff members of the kammarkollegium. The Russian organizers were conscious of the fact that a systematic division of labor was necessary in order to increase the administrative capacity of ” 162 the governmental organs. Having considered the formal and legal aspects of the Russian reliance on Swedish prototypes for the kamer-kollegiia, we will now, by way of conclusion, see how the college’s business was actually conducted. Right from the time the reform began to be implemented, the kamerkollegiia experienced difficulties in commencing its operations. The accounting materials which, according to the instruktsiia, were to be sent in regularly from the provinces, and which were absolutely necessary for the college’s operations, simply did not materialize. The kamer-kollegiia and the shtats-kontor-kollegiia informed the tsar at the beginning of 1719 that, in spite of repeated ukazes having been sent to the local administratlve units, they had received information about the revenues and expenditures of the realm, “and, therefore, there has been (in these colleges) a stoppage {ostanovka) in these matters, the tsar’s chancellery in March of that year ordering the governors to send the colleges an account of both revenues and expenditures for the period 1716 to May 1719, inclusive. In order to guarantee compliance with this ukaz, army officers and soldiers were sent to the gubernii to see to it that the local administrative organs put together their accounts for the years indicated by the tsar. Sub-lieutenant (podporuchik) Vasilii Karabanov of the Life Guards was sent to the Kiev guberniia, and his instructions stated, among other things, that “if they have not done it by that time, then you are to bind their legs in irons and put chains about the necks of the person who has been charged by the governor with the administration of the guberniia and of the subordinates who are involved with that, and you are not to free themuntil they have finished it. Thus, the local authorities were to be forced under direct threat of violence to produce the accounting materials requested by the kamerkollegiia and the shtats-kontor-kollegiia. Nonetheless, this measure did not lead to results that satisfied the kamer-kollegiia. In December 1719, President D. M. Golitsyn reported that the college “still does not have complete Information about the entirety of the revenues and expenditures of the Russian realm and about the other things which have to do with the administration, and that the college had not been provided with a Thus, an ukaz was issued by ” 163 ” 164 ZA (no. 420), 572. TsGADA, f. 248 delo 656 1. 208. PSZ, V, no. 3,341, p. 687. 162 163