166 instruktsiia, kamer-kollegiia (1719):*-^ draft instructions, kammarkollegium (1653): . . . then it should be especially urged to those in whose hands some of the rents and incomes of the king and the realm are to be entrusted, that they put up satisfactory promises and bond, in a manner which they feel will best ensure the king and the crown. Peter added to this point that “if neither [the civil servant nor his bondsman] can be found, then they shall lose all personal and real property and be punished by eternal labor on the galleys. As was the case in Sweden, control over the donated estates belonging to the crown was given to the kamer-kollegiiaTheAversion of the Russian instruktsiia for that college includes a section entitled “Concerning the reduction. Concerning the return of estates” (O redukovanii. O vozvrashchenii maetnostei)}'^^ The model for this was the Swedish reduktionen operations, which were integrated into the kammarkollegium in 1717.^^‘ However, it became clear to the Russians during the editing of the instruktsiia that the reduktion was a specific Swedish phenomenon that neither should, nor could, be applied to Russian conditions. In the third version, the C version, Peter himself crossed out the section and indicated that it was “to be left out, since such customs and estates are not to be found among us. Even in the sections dealing with the college’s relationship to the other colleges, there is clear evidence of close adherence to the Swedish organi126 12:4 All those who have charge {imeiiit na rukakh) of His Majesty’s incomes and accounts are to give a full bond, or through other such circumstances (that is, provide a guarantee), so that it is possible to retrieve from themthat which is lost. ” 128 ’» 132 126 Munthe, 73; see also Relation, 15. 2A (no. 416), 564. 2A (no. 415), 557 note 22 and (no. 416, section 12:5), 564. Among other things, von Luberas wrote of the supervision of the Swedish local administration by the kammarkollegium that “In summa alles wass auf einige Weise der Crone an Proviant, Nutzungen und Revenuen gehören, und heimbfallen kan, muss die Cammer so woll wegen der Einnahme alss Ausgabe, durch die Commissarios, Cammerirs und Buchhalters aufs fleissigste besorgen, und gegen die Verfall-Terminen die accurate Eintreibung der Mitteln an gebiihrenden Ohrte durch nachdriickliche Rescripta beforderen, auch insonderheit daran seijn, das niemanden einige Ambts-Verwaltung zu Einnahme der Königlichen Mittel in den Provinzien ohne reale Caution anvertraut werde, und iiber dem auf solche Leute Conduite und Accuratesse fleissig invigiliren auch dariiber mit den Gouverneuren, Landhauptlcuten und andren Befehlhabern correspondieren, auf dass aller Schade beij Zeiten fiirgebeuget und evitiret werden könne.” TsGADA, f. 248 delo 1078 1. 150. 2^1 (no. 416, section 15), 565; Relation, 57—59; 1688 års instruktion för landsbokhållare, article 9, Instruktioner 1, 456—457. 2A (no. 415, section 18), 557. 131 Eden (1941), 180. ‘32 2A (no. 416, section 18), 558. 130