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156 The members (chleny) of the board of the kamer-kollegiia were to include a president, a vice president, and “a requisite number of councillors and assessors." The 1718 personnel budget for the college set the number of councillors and assessors at four each.'^ With the exception of the assessors, a category not found in the Swedish kammarkollegium, the members of the Swedish college board were the same, that is, a president, a vice president, and four councillors.’- As is shown by the following lists, the Russian college’s chancellery was given a staff paralleling that of the chancellery of the kammarkollegium. Russian chancellery: 2 sekretart 1 notarius 1 aktuar 1 president" sekretär' 1 registrator 3 kantseleristy 3 kopisty 1 translator Swedish chancellery: 1 sekreterare 1 notarie 1 aktuaric 1 presidentens sekreterare 1 registrator 2 kanslister 3 kopister 1 kansliskrivare secretary notary actuary president’s secretary registrar assistant secretaries copyists scrivener/intepreter In a similar manner, the Russian college’s various offices were given staffs resembling those of their Swedish prototypes. The personnel of the Swedish kammarkontor consisted of a kamrerare (accountant) and his assistant, who was given the title karnmarförvant, as well as three to four scriveners (kammarskrivare).'^^ In the comparable Russian office, the personnel was to consist of a kamerir and his assistant, the underkamerir, as well as six scriveners (kamornyi pisar')."^^ Further parallels may be drawn between the Swedish and Russian colleges of revenue when it comes to other segments of their staffs. Under the title “Still other servants” (kammarbetjänte) in the Swedish personnel budget, and under the title “Other servants (sluzhiteli) belonging to the kamer-kollegiia" in the Russian, one finds, among other things, a kammarZA (no. 416), 559. ’* TsGADA, f. 248 delo 42 1. 16. RA, Statskontorets arkiv, Huvudarkivet, Pcrsonalstat 1715. The position of souschef was usually vacant and disappeared completely in the budget for 1716. RA, Statskontorets arkiv. Huvudarkivet, Pcrsonalstat 1715. TsGADA, f. 248 delo 42 1. 279. RA, Statskontorets arkiv. Huvudarkivet, Pcrsonalstat 1715; Helge Appelgren, "Kammarkollegiets andra avräkningskontor,” Meddelanden från Svenska Riksarkivet (Stockholm, 1955), 64. ■« TsGADA, f. 248 delo 42 11. 280—281v.