153 since the Russian sources reveal that the plans for the kamcr-kollcgiia were based on the Swedish personnel budget for that particular year.''’’* The introduction to the instruktsiia for the kamer-kollegiia states that the college was to consist of a chancellery and the appropriate offices, “as the (treasury) budget that has been drawn up . . . clearly shows. Section 26 of the instruktsiia shows further that the offices mentioned in the introduction were initially to be five in number, namely a civilian accounting office {grazhdanskaia shchetnaia kontord), a customs and excise office {poshlinnaia i aktsiznaia kontora), and three economic offices {ikonomstvcnnyc kantory). It was further stated that the last of these might, “in future, according to the required needs of the size of the state, be increased in number.’'^'’ The preliminary budget for the kamcr-kollegiia referred to by the instruktsiia was approved by the tsar on April 29, 1718.-'’® On that occasion Peter himself added to the budget that “there will be this number of positions until it is seen how many places [there will be] in the college, and then it will be determined what will be increased or decreased.” A comparison of the personnel budget of the kammarkollegium for 1715 and the budget for its Russian counterpart in 1718 provides the following picture: kammarkollegium: 1. kammarkansliet (chancellery) 2. avräkningskontoret (tax adjustments office) [militicavrakmngskontorct~\ (military tax adjustments office) ” 54 kamer-kollegiia: 1. kamornaia kantseliariia (chancellery) 2. grazhdanskii i voennyi vychetnyi kontor (civilian and military tax adjustments office) TsGADA, f. 248 delo 58 II. 107—109: "Staat vor das Königl. Cammcr Collegium und davon dcpcndirenden Contoireii in Stockholm.” ZA (no. 416), 559. Ibid., 568. ■’’* On May 2, 1718, Heinrich Pick wrote to the Riga burgomaster von Benckendorff that “Das Cammer-Collegium ist vorgestern feste gesetzt und deszen Staat von Ihro Mayt. unterschrieben worden; Mit den anderen wirds in 14 Tagen auch richtig seyn, hernach diirfften Ihro Mayt. Sich auff der Flotte verfiigen.” August von Bulmeriocq, ed., AktenstUcke und Urkunden zur Geschichte dcr‘Stadt Riga 1710—1740 (3 v., Riga, 1902— 1906), I, 285. TsGADA, f. 248 delo 42 1. 17v. RA, Statskontorets arkiv. Huvudarkivet, Personalstat 1715. The statskontoret and räntekammaren have not been included in this list, since the two offices together, in spite of the fact that they were included in the personnel budget of the kammarkollegium, constituted an administrative organ that was independent from it. See the section on the shtats-kontor-kollegiia below, pp. 188—189. 5» TsGADA, f. 248 delo 42 11. 16—17v.