150 ally printed. The text of the D draft is divided into twenty-seven short sections or articles. From Voskresenskii’s edition of the texts it is clear that Peter himself participated in editing the drafts of the instructions, and that both Aleksei Makarov, Peter’s private secretary, and Anisim Shchukin, the chief secretary of the Senate, participated in drafting them.'*'’ It has been stated that the instruktsiia for the kamer-kollegiia does not represent an imitation of the organization and tasks of its Sw'edish counterpart.'*’ This conclusion is based on the studies of Miliukov, who, having compared the texts of the Russian instructions with the comparable Swedish instruktion for the kammarkollegium, claimed that the Russian text did not reproduce the forms of the Swedish organization. Nonetheless, a thorough analysis of the Russian instructions produces just the opposite conclusion. Since Miliukov is the only historian who has conducted a comparative textual analysis of the Russian and Swedish source materials, his methods in studying the instruktsiia for the kamer-kollegiia will be subjected to close scrutiny in the paragraph below. This examination will enable us to understand how Miliukov arrived at his negative conclusion concerning the extent of Swedish influence on the instruktsiia for the kamer-kollegiia. The comparative material available to Miliukov included, among other things, the collections of instructions for the central and local Swedish administration published in the 1850s by Carl Gustaf Styffe.^' Miliukov compared these published Swedish instructions with the Russian instruktsiia for the kamer-kollegiia from 1719 and concluded that there were few similarities between the texts. He then discussed the possibility that the instructions for the kammarkollegium from the seventeenth century did not provide a correct picture of the organization and responsibilities of that college at the time of the introduction of collegial reforms in Russia, suggesting that there probably did not exist any exhaustive set of instructions for the kammarkollegium from the years around 1715. But Miliukov stopped there without pursuing his line of reasoning; he was content to « ZA, 556, 569. ■'* “Allerdings konnte es sich nicht um cine schematische Ubertragung dcr schwedischen Formen handeln. Mit Rucksicht auf die russischen Bediirfnisse wurden Institutionen geschaffen, die das schwedische Vorbild nicht hatte, wie das Justizkollcgium, und andere Kollegien, wie das Kammer-, das Kommerz- und das Admiralitätskollegium, mehr nach anderen als nach schwedischen Anregungen ausgestaltet.” Reinhard Wittram, Peter 1. Czar und Kaiser (2 v., Göttingen, 1964), II, 115. Garl Gustaf Styffe, ed.. Samling af instructioner för högre och lägre tjänstemän vid landtregeringen i Sverige och Finnland (Stockholm, 1852) and idem, ed., Samling af instructioner rörande den civila förvaltningen i Sverige och Finnland (Stockholm, 1856). These works are cited throughout this study as Instruktioner I and Instruktioner II.