128 requested “a most gracious promise not to be handed over to the Swedish crown upon the conclusion of peace. On October 30, 1718, Heinrich Pick submitted to the Senate a list of the Swedish prisoners of war who had expressed willingness to enter Russian service: in Wolodimir: Lieutenant Johan Growe, ein Ehstlander, hat seine Frau beij sich; Lieutenant Christian Meding, ein Preusse, ist ledig; in Moscau: Capitain Muller ein Mecklenburger; Commissarius Nicolaus Hoffman, ein Schwede; Advokat Gabriel Straub, ein Schwede, hat seine Frau beij sich; Lieutenant Neumann; Monsieur Schultz, ein Teutscher, logiret in der Teutschen Slabodde beij dem dicken Hinrich; in Wologda: Commissarius Andreas Kroka; Fändrich Richter, Cornet Palmstruch mit einigen andern. ” 358 In Pick’s opinion, the Senate should make arrangements so that “die angefiihrte Manner samt den Ihrigen mit ersten Schlittenbahn auff Ihro Maijtt: Kosten hinher gelieffert werden, damit man hier in loco eines jeden Capacitet examiniren, und sie dann darnach capitulationsweise in Ihro Maijtt: Diensten auffnehmen könne.’' Six of the prisoners listed here as being in Moscow and Vladimir, namely Capt. Johann Bernhard Muller, Lt. Johann Grobe, Lt. Christian Meding, Lt. Ernst Christoph Neumann, Nikolaus Hoffman, and Gabriel Straub, were brought to St. Petersburg in Pebruary 1719 by Sgt. Ivan Zinov’ev of the Preobrazhenskii regiment.'*®® Lt. Prince Petr Bariatinskii was sent to Vologda and was then to go on to laroslavl’ to fetch additional prisoners. Peter’s ukaz for Bariatinskii placed special emphasis on the idea that he was to “promise them some sort of reward, and also in Our name give them a promise that they naturally will not be used in any military Bariatinskii brought seven prisoners back with him, including ” 361 capacity. two named in Pick’s list, Andreas Krocka and 2nd Lt. Joachim Richert. One prisoner. Cornet Palmstruch, had died in the interim. The other five prisoners brought to St. Petersburg by Bariatinskii were Capt. Johann Delwig, Lt. Melchior Warchol, an adjutant by the name of Simeon Röstlein, 2nd Lt. Samuel Johann Raschau, and Capt. Israel Wulff.®®- Aside from the thirteen Swedish prisoners mentioned above, a fourteenth, Lt. Ditlev Jochimsen, who Vice President von Nieroth of the kamer-kollegiia TsGADA, f. 248 delo 605 1. 215. Concerning the Swedish officers who entered Russian service and even converted to Greek Orthodoxy, the Swedes noted in the regimental rolls “Deserted his king and became a Russian’'; Alf Äberg, Karolinerna och österlandet. Karl XII:s krigare i rysk fångenskap och på upptäcktsfärder i Orienten och Sibirien (Stockholm, 1967), 76. TsGADA, f. 248 delo 605 1. 200—200v. Ibid., 1. 201. Ibid., 1. 218. •«'- Ibid., 1. 220. S58