150 which the law-unions had to contribute to the fleet. According to these regulations the fleet was supplied by the inhabitants of Frosta-thing, Gula-thing and Borgar-thing while the peasants of Kidsiva-thing had not assumed any responsibility to contribute either ships or men to the fleet-organization. Norwegian sources indicate that the ledung-fleet during the former half of the 12th century consisted of 336 ships with 40 oars, each ship manned by 100 men and with a total mantal of 33.600. This fleet organization in the latter half of the 13th century had been changed to a fleet of 280 ships with 50 oars, each manned by 120 men, and thus with the total mantal of 33.600 unchanged. Of these 13.200 men were supplied by Frosfa-thing. 14.400 by Gula-thing and 6.000 by Borgar-thing. If the Norwegian ledung-system was based upon the same rate as the Swedish with a unit of assessment, corresponding to the attung or the double-attung as a principal basis for each mantal of the ledung-organization, this Norwegian unit in all probability was the so-called G-sdldincj, which is mentioned in many mediaeval documents and is recorded in the law of the Gula-thing as the norm for certain taxes. The 6-sålding derives its name from the fact that the acreage of this unit had to be sown every year with 6 sålds of corn, the såld being a measure of about 100 liters and thus holding double the amount of a Swedish spann of 50—60 liters, ('.orrespondingly the value of the spann was 1 (irfug Swedish silver while the såld had the value of 2 Norwegian ortugs, the value of 6 sålds being the same as that of 12 spanns or half a mark. There can be little doubt that it was the 6-sålding which was the basis of the ledung-sjstem of Frosta-thing and Gula-thing. a supposition that can be shown by an analyse of the figures of the Vienne-tithe, imposed upon the Norwegian clergy. It has been assumed that the Vienne-tithe consisted mainly of one tenth of the value of the tithes, that went to the parishpriesfs and to the bishops, as well as of the landskyld, i.e. the rent paid by the tenants of land belonging to the Norwegian church. The present writer has estimated that the tithe from each 6-sålding was taxed to Vienne-tithe at 10 pennings and the landskyld from the same unit at 27 pennings.