325 Härads Östergötland Småland . . . . ^’ästergötland Dal V'ärmland .. . 18 18 82 <) 12 riie exlriMiiely varying -size of the territories of these härads can he judged from the fact that acct)rding to the law of Västerg()tland the greatest liärad in this land included 53 parishes, the snndlest only 2. 3'he oldest known administrative subdivision of Öland shows the island divided into two parts, called mots, both of about the same size, each including 17 parishes. In the table l)elow are shown the assessments of the lands in the bishoprics of Linköping and Skara as they appear in the amounts of the Iblh century tax if we assume that 2 ploughlands or lb attungs ecpials one mark in the tax. 'fhis figures have been contrasted with the mean values of the collection of Peter's pence during certain years of the earlier half of the t4th century according to the accounts and receii)ts of the papal collectors, 'fhe amounts in the column, marked “Answers to number of pence” are set out from the supposition that the payment of Rome tax in these bishoprics was made according to the norm, indicated by the archbishop in 1350. or 1/2 pence for each attung. Furthermore it is supposed that Rome tax had not been exacted in Värmland before 1333. The only deviation in the table from the subdivision of the lands belonging to the bishoprics in (juestion. which appears in the documents from the 14th century, is that two härads bordering upon both Småland and Östergötland. Kind and Ydre, have been included in the latter land and not in Småland: .\n,s\ver.s to miml)cr of pcnve Numln'i' of Collection of Peter's pence 'I'axalion marks Ploughlands Attiings /.I;I kÖpintIa stiff Östergötland witli Kind and Ydre .. Småland Öland ööö 1/2 085 188 1/2 8.888 ;t.8()() 2.i;i() 4.444 4.(580 1.0(58 1.111 1.170 267 Mean 1818 82; 10.199 1.274 2.548 20.884 10.192