323 .siij)portod by the only inforniatioii we have of any tithe-tax. paid hy the parishpriests of the island to the Holy See: the so-ealled 3-yeartax of 1344—46 —imposed on the parishpriests according to the same norms as the Viennetithe —to the amount of 158 1/8 marks may very well have corresponded to a tax for the priests of (3X3X120) 1.080 öres or 135 marks, the rest of the amount being the taxation for the only convent on the island, Koma, of about 7—8 marks for each of the three years in question. According to the Ciiita law and the Guta Saga the tredings of Gotland were divided in half, called sjattings, which later, after the christianizing of the island and when Gotland had joined the ledung of the Svea-king. became districts for six of the seven ships, which the Gothlanders were liable to put at the disposition of the king, the seventh being provided for hy the inhabitants of the town Visby. dlie assessment of Gotland at three hunds or 2.400 attungs probably corresponded to a capitation of 2.160 mantals or 360 men for each sjätting, which meant three rowing-crews of 120 men for each sjätting/ship. In the Guta lawit is stated that the sjiittings were subdivided into hiinderi, the number of which is not further specified, the hunderi also being called thing in the Guta law. The present writer has forwarded the opinion that it has been a district of a rowing-crew of 120 men that was the equivalent of a thing, which for 6 själtings would have resulted in a sid)division of 18 things, a supposition that is supported hy the registers of land from the 17th century. From this time originates also some material, indicating that Gotland during the latter part of the 11th century may have had a subdivision into parishes, based on the districts for the things. Originally there should have been built 36 churches, 12 for each treding. When summed up the su])posed assessments for the lands in the Svea-parts of the country show the following figures: Nunil>er of hunds Number of plouj^hlands Folklands .Södermanland Närke Västmanland and Dalarna Norrland Gotland 2.200 700 22 7 ;f00 3 10 1.000 3 300 3 300 48 4.800