321 Sahli^ren, was still an administrative reality at the time when the hishoprie of d'una was formed, probably towards the middle of the 1 Ith century. An equivalent to the invaluable sources, which the lists of ^'iennetithe of the bishoprics of Uppsala and Sträiif^näs represent, is not available for an estimation of the assessment of territories, belonging' to the other mediaeval bishoprics of Sweden. However we are not wholly deprived of the Viennetithe as a source for these bishoprics: even if detailed lists of the taxation for the parishpriests are not in hand, there are always the accounts of the papal collectors, showing the total amounts for the bishoprics during the h-year|)eriod in (piestion. These amounts can serve as a rough estimate of the total taxation for parishpriests. bishops, canonries and convents, the main objects of taxation. After fixing the amount for one year — l/(> of the total amounts for these objects of taxation can he calculated mainly by the norms, observed in the analysis of the amounts in the lists of the lushoprics of Uppsala and Strängnäs. In addition to this source there are for every Swedish bishopric the sums of collected Peter's pence, recorded for the period 1319—50. The Viennetithe. which was paid during one of the six years in the bishopric of Västerås, including the province of ä s tma n 1 a n d and the bordering province in the north. I) a 1 a r n a. amounts to 180 4/8 marks. Of this sum probably 48 marks were taxation for the bishop: as bishop Kgisl of Västerås about 1331 informed the Holy See his annual income had been taxed to \’iennetithe to the amount of 320 florins, which is ecpiivalent to 480 marks in Swedish currency. If the same taxation is applied to the six canonries of the bishopric of Västerås as for the canonries of the bishopric of Strängnäs or 10 marks and taking into account that there were no convents in the bishopric, the rest of the annual amount. 122 4/8 marks or 980 öres. would fall on the priests, indicating an assessment of about 8 huuds. With the addition of the sums of the two provinces of Fjädrundaland. Simbo and Torsåker. which probably from the beginning were parts of Västmanland. 183 öres. and of three parishes in the bishopric of Strängnäs, mentioned above. 30 (Ires, the total amount of assess21 Ekham the approximate