RB 23

320 10 hundares has been reeonslructed by lueaiis of the amounts of taxation in the Viennetitbelist. It has been assumed by the {)resent writer that the relation between bund and bundare in Södermanland and Närke was originally rather ecjiial to what it was in the folklands. the hundare l)eing a term ol' the ledungorganization: Xuml)ers of \’iennolithe ores Mon of Skcppslags Ploughlands At lungs the ledung Hund Hundaro . .. \/yt hundaro 1 C) hundaro 100 720 800 0 120 :>() 400 360 60 3 16 2/3 8 1/3 133 1/3 66 2 3 120 1 20 60 1'2 10 The total assessment for the bisboprie of Striingnäs. 1.000 ploughlands or 8.000 aftungs, bas been tlie basis for the eeelesiaslical subdivision of the bisboprie into 120 parishes, each parish in prineiple eorresponding to l b of the bundare or a tiding, that is 1/12 of the bund. Of course even in Siidermanland as in the folklands the parishes were formed according to circumstances, topographical and others, the greatest parish having an assessment of 133 1/'3 attungs. the smallest of only about 11 attnngs. indicating that the parish represented something like 10 men in the fleet organization. 'riie original subdivision of .Södermanland and Närke into two bishoprics is also reflected in the figures of the \’iennetithelist: the bishopric of Tuna | =Kskilslima), which according to the Florence document together with the bishopric of Strängnäs formed the ecclesiastical organization of .Södermanland and Närke, then consisted of the two Rekarna and Närke with the total assessment of 5 bunds, while the rest, the original .Södermanland with the same assessment was the basis of the bishopric of .Strängnäs. In connection with the formation of the church province of Sweden in IKU the bishopric of Tuna was merged with the bishopric of Strängnäs, a conjoining probably dictated by a wish to accommodate the suffragans of the archbishop with an economic basis, fairly ecptal to his own. .\nyway the figures of taxation show that the Origin-Rek, cleverly reconstructed by