RB 23

319 l‘]von the proviiiees, which l)el()ni'e(l to the l)i.shoj)rie of Slriiiiij;- näs. S Ö d e r in a n 1 a n d and X ä r k e. are covered by an existing list, showinj* the amounts of taxation to \’iennetithe for the parishpriests in these provinces. After the reduction of two ])arishes in Siiderinanland, which probably orifjinally helonijed to Västmanland territory, and of one parish in Xärke. originally part of the jirovince of Dalarna, the list shows the following nuinher of churches with their total taxation to Viennetithe; N'uniber of rluiri'lies Taxation öres 837 1/3 3r)7 .Södermanland Xiirke 8.^ 30 1.194 1/3 121 'The amounts of taxation indicate an assessment at 7 bunds for Södermanland and 3 bunds for Xiirke. On the information given in documents from the 14th century, it has been possible to reconstruct the subdivision of Xiirke into three tredings, each corresponding to the taxed amount of 120 öres. Documents from the same century show for the western parts of the province of Siidermanland. bordering Xiirke, three provinces, called hundare: Viislerrekarna, Osterrekarna and Villattinge, and for the eastern parts a subdivision into 10 provinces, also called hundare. The figures of taxation in the Viennetithelist support wholly a theory, put forward by the Swedish philologist J. Sahlgreu. that the three provinces on the border of Xiirke together with tliis province have formed an old unit, which vSahtgren calls Origin-Rek, a land enclosing the lake of Hjälmaren. The figures of the Viennetithelist show this unit as having had an assessment at 5 bunds, in which \’illåttinge was, as is indicated by the name. 1/8 of Oster- and ^’iisterrekarna. 'Fhe rest of Södermanland, that is the eastern part of the province of today, has a taxation to Viennetithe of 399 (ires with the territories subdivided into 10 hundare-provinces according to mediaeval documents other than the tithelist. These figures indicate an assessment of the original Södermanland as being 5 hands with each bund divided into two hundares. 'I’he subdivision of Södermanland into 3 bunds/