317 l()i,'elher tho aniouiils ol the Iblklands with the miinher ot marklands, resultini,' from the ealeulations, mentioned before: N'uinl)cr of l^elc'r's i)ciu'c\ meet ill m Niiinlior of iiiarklaiuls 'I’iiiiuialaiui . . AlUiiuialaiul . Fjiidnmdaland •>.!% 4.1()0 ;f.247 9.770 1().4.V2 The fi^'iires of collected Peter's pence during the 32-year.speriod of 1319—50 show such a remarkable correspondence with the snp[)osed nnmhers of marklands that there are ani[)le reasons to believe that they reflect the identical reality: an assessment of the folklands at about 10.()()() marklands. owned and cnltivated by the same nnmher of [)easants. who every year paid oiu' pence to .St Peter. .\ still more remarkable fact is })erhaps that according to Swedish statistics of 1310 the parishes, which as has been emphazised above belonged to the original 22 hnnds of the folklands. that is the present provinces of Uppland and Gästrikland, had a total seed of about 99.000 tunnors, which according to a generally accepted observation is the eipiivalent of 198.000 mediaeval spanns. 'I'he latter figure should be compared with the estimated seed of 8.800 marklands after tlie norm of 24 sj)anns to the markland or 211.200 spanns. All these dates put together make good reason to believe, that a ta.xation of 5'iennelithe of 120 öres indicates an assessment of one bund or 100 ploughlands. The list of 54ennetilhe for the bisho()ric of Uppsala shows, in addition to the figures for the churches in the folklands, the taxations for the churches in the Xorrland-part of the bishopric, including the provinces of Hälsinglan d. Me d e 1 p a d. n g e r m a n I a n d and .1 ä m I 1 a n d: Nimilicr of rluirclics Taxation öre.s Hiil.singland . . Mt'dt'l|ia(l . . . .Ingennaidand 17.') 19 .')! 12 20 i;i4 2 ;i öl .•160 2 a .läintland 96 20