31G accounts of the collectors to the Holy See. We know how the Peter's pence was charged in Sweden by a statement of the archbishop to the papal collector in 18ö(): in the l)ishopric of Uppsala eacli j)easant of the folklands, who during the year sowed his acres, paid for this year one whole pence of the money current in Sweden for himself and his whole family to St Peter, while the peasants in Norrland did not have to j)ay this tax to Rome. In the other bishoj)rics the inhabitants were obliged to pay only an obiiluni or half a pence to St Peter. Those inhabitants who did not sow at all during the year in (piestion were free from Home-tax. .\ccording to assumptions by the present writer a taxed amount of 120 (ires indicates an assessment of a hund, i.e. 100 ploughlands or 400 marklands. calculations which are based on the supposition that the j)arishpriests were taxed after the norm 7.2 pennies for each markland of the parish: 1 (ire (=24 pennies! should thus mark an assessment of 3 1/3 marklands. The total taxation to Viennetithe in the three folklands according to the list shows the following amounts: Xumber of inarklands (ires riiindalaiut . . Altundaland . Fjiidrundaland 1.248 4.160 8.247 2.86.3 1)74 709 2.981 9.770 The collection of Peter's pence in the folklands shows according to the collectors' lists these amounts: Xumhor of ]U'ooe 1819 i;320 i;321 1822 1828—27. mcdiuni i;328--.32. medium 9.6.36 9.616 lO.O.m 9.840 9.7.)8 10.176 For the 18-yeari)eriod 1333—."iO the collection is recorded for each folkland separately: in the following table have been pul