312 callle-tithe of 120 mark, the total value of the tithes thus beiut; 200 marks or 1 '2 mark for eaeh of the 400 marklauds. which have been counted to the bund. The taxation of such an income to the Viennetithe would, with application of the decision of 1319 about reduction of 1/4, give a tax of 15 marks or 120 öres. On these assumptions the Viennetithe for the parishpriests in the 10 bunds of Tiundaland should amount to 1.200 öres, for the priests of Attundaland to 900 öres and for those of Fjiidrundaland to 480 öres. 'file Viennetithelist specifies for Tiundaland 74 parishchurches with a total taxation of 1.248 (Ires. If the amounts for the three churches in the towns of Uppsala and Sigtuna are deducted the total sum for 71 churches will be reduced to 1.204 (Ires. For Atlundaland the list shows 50 churches with a total amount of 974 öres. After deduction of one church in Sigtuna — the town included territories in both folklands —the total for 55 churches is 902 öres. 'I’he figures of taxation arrived at for the priests of Tiundaland and Attundaland coincide very well with what should have been the residt if the taxed amount for one hund really was 120 (ires. 'riiis is. however, not the case with Fjiidrundaland of the Viennetithelist: subdivided into five territorial provinces, of which three are bordering upon \"iistmanland. the list shows 41 churches with the total taxation of 709 öres. With deduction of the three churdies in the only town in Fjiidrundaland. Enköping, the sum is reduced to Otil (ires, an amount that points to an assessment of 5 1/2 hund rather than the 4 indicated by the name of the folkland. Even other reasons argue in favour of the opinion that Fjiidrundaland at the time of the Viennetithetaxation included territories which originally did not belong to the folkland. Thus the ruling of the Uppland law shows that the costs of appealing against the decision of the lowest court in litigations between two villages about their borders were 10 marks in Tiundaland. 8 marks in Attundaland and 5 marks in Fjiidrundaland. the latter amount indicating that this folkland was counted as a 5-hund land in 1290. The supernumerary territories of Fjiidrundaland must for geographical reasons have been included in the folkland from the adjacent land in the west. Västmanland. The present writer