RB 23

310 of 9(> spanns, (•()rrespt)ndins4 lo the estimated seed on the acreage of 4 inarklands. Concerning the question of what average harvest was reckoned with in the Middle Ages, the opinions have l)een divided, the views varying between the extremes, a 3-fold or a (>-fold harvest. The present writer has put forward some reasons indicating that it was the latter relation —the harvest of the Oth corn —on which the rough calculations of the economy of the units of assessment were founded. Thus the unit of measure of grain, called ton, with the relation of h : 1 to the spann could be regarded as an expression of an average valuation of the harvest from one örtugland; documents from later periods. 17th and 18th centuries, show that the (i-fold harvest was regarded as the classic norm when it came to corn-grain. Starting from these observations the present writer has seen possible some rough calculations of the economy of the markland: the markland acreage with an average seed of 24 spanns of corn-grain, valued at 1 mark silver, has had an average harvest of 144 spanns with the value of (1 marks. To this annual income has come the produce of the meadows and woods, going with a markland. This revenue can he estimated roughly to the value of 3 marks per annum according to figures of rent paid in produce during the 14th century. The peasant, residing on a markland. should thus have had a total average income from his acreage, meadows and woods of 9 marks silver. The source, which the present writer has primarily used to prove his assumption of an assessment of the folklands at 2.200 ploughlands or 8.800 marklands to he correct, is a list from about 1314 of the tax to the Holy See which the beneficiaries in Sweden had to pay during a period of six years according to a decision of the council in \'ienne 1311. This list, the so-called Viennetithelist, shows the annual amounts which the archl)ishop, the canonries. the parishpriests and the convents in the bishopric of Uppsala, including the folklands and Norrland, had to pay to the Holy See. A corresponding list of the annual tax for the beneficiaries in the bishopric of .Strängnäs, including the territories of .Södermanland and Närke, also exists while the lists for the remaining three