SUMMARY 'File old Swedish "lands" Swedish j)rovinees [l(in(lsk(i[>] subdivided into lerrilorial unils lor adininistralion and adjudiealion, which under the laws of the provinces, recorded in Ihe Idth and 14lh centuries, are called hiunhiri {hiindarv) in those provinces, that now heloni^ to Svealand, and hueinj) (härtui) in Ihe present provinces of (icWaland. I'he ohjecf of this paj)er is lo analyse if possible how these territorial units have come into existence and to hrin^' out the valuations underlyinf» the subdivision of the provinces in hunddrc and hdnid. .Vccordin^ to the oldest existing source, the so-called Florence document, a list in Latin of Nomiiui insiildnim dc re(juo Suevoriim, dating from about 11*20. the Svea-kingdom included the following “lands": roughly e(p!ivalent lo the present - - were during the Middle Ages Prc'senl (iötaland ().sUT}’()llan(l N'iistcrf’olland Småtand Småland Soiillu'rn ])arl: (iuthicd (iustr(tlis (iotliiai ocridentdlis (iii/irandici Tciisic \'iirend. i)art ol 'rjnsl. part of PresonI .Sviadand \’ärmland A’iislmanland Södormanland Närke Tlipland, (iiislrikland I'ppland l'p])land (lotland .Norrland Northern i)arl; (iiKinneldiulid (iiidsmdnnid Siiiulcrnidnnid Ncrh I'indid 'rinndaland, ])arl of ineludiiif; even Fjädriindaland. part of Attundaland, part of Fcdiindrid Atdidh (iuthldiulid Ucisinyid llälsin^land, part of According lo the Florence document even Findid and Hestid, that is Finland and Fsthonia, belonged to the Swedish kingdom. 20 Ehiioiii