PREFACE The present bibliography is an immediate sequel to .Vord/.sA' rättshistorisk litteratur 1911—I9i9 and Sordisk rättshistorisk litteratur 1950—1955 pnblished bj' Hillevi Vretblad in Rattshistoriska Studier, vol. 1, 1951 and 2, 1957. By and large the same principles have been applied; owing to tbe considerable bulk of tbe material, however, a more differentiated division into subjects has been considered ai)propriate. The table of contents at the end of the book will give an idea of the new systematic classification. There is, however, one important difference from earlier bibliogra])hie.s. Works which deal with several different fields have been listed under the subject which has been regarded as essential, and this is where the title has been numbered. In addition, there are references from other fields to the main item. As a rule, only books by Scandinavian authors have been included, but in some cases publications have been recorded which concern Scandinavian conditions and have been written by non-Scandinavian authors. In the field of local history a great many monographs on provinces and towns have been published dealing with the period under review. The scholarly standard of many of these works is very high. These investigations of course also contain material of great interest from the point of view of legal history. However, comparatively few l)ublications dealing exclusively with local history have been included. It should also be observed that articles published in newspapers have with few exceptions been omitted. In each section the titles are listed in alphabetical order, the authors’ names being the headwords. In the case of works where authors’ names are not given, the first word of the title constitutes the headword (except for articles and the abbreviation »Kungl.» or »Kongl.» (Royal). In the section »Bibliografi...», for practical reasons, works whose authors are given have occasionally been treated according to the second alternative. The graphs in the Danish and Norwegian languages aa and d have been united under d; ii, a? and o are to be found under y, ä and ö respectively. In accordance with Swedish usage the letters d, d, and ö come last in the alphabet and no difference has been made between v and w. The choice of titles in a select bibliography is of course always a moot point. Possibly a specialist in jurisprudence feels that too much space in a bibliography of legal history has been given to works on political and economic history. However, it could doubtless be argued that legal issues have at all times loomed so large in historical processes that a bibliography devoted to legal history must be prepared accordingly.