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390 native law and the ting of the country. Of course, the personal contribution made by kings and individual magnates may have accelerated this development, but it is ineluctable that the Middle Age organization of dioceses has essentially arisen from the Swedish province community. In many cases it is evident that the episcopal sees did not get their final location at once but were later moved. The background for this may have been that the bishop was not allowed, in the beginning, to live in connection with the ting of the country, but perhaps under the protection of a king or a magnate. Not until the ting adopts Christianity as the national cult, do the real conditions for the connection between the episcopal see and the seat of the country ting exist. At the Christianization of the Swedish countries and provinces some so-called tun-places'- sometimes seem to have played an important role. Certain tun manors are very likely to have been royal administrative properties within the hundred organization. Therefore, the existence of such tun manors may be used as a support for the thought of a royal influence. In the early Middle Ages the Swedish community had a highly independent administration towards the central government of Sweden. The bishop’s administration of the bishopric came to be dependent on this secular administration of provinces. As to the terminology there are no differences between the bishop’s administration of his office and for example that of the king or the law-man.^ The connections between the administration territory of the Church, the dioceses, and the profane circuits, the juridical districts, are, as it appears from what has been said, evident, even if the dioceses covered more than one juridical district. Also the small administration circuits and the ting within the juridical district or the province were in many places identical with small administration districts of the Church, within the diocese. Even in regard to the formation of dioceses, there are signs to show that the small administration districts of the community have, in certain places, played an important role. Legally, socially and politically, the bishop’s position within the - Cf -ton in English place-names. Approximately ealdor-man.